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0500 Transport Case

CAN BE INVERTED AND USED AS A PALLET WITH AN AIRTIGHT COVER FIT TWO 0500 CASES PER PALLET, FOUR WHEN STACKED! Optional Pallet Riser Kit Optional Caster Wheel Kit complete with brakes Easy open Double Throw latches Open cell core with solid wall design - strong, light weight O-ring seal Dual Integrated Automatic Pressure Equalization Valves Double wide grip fold down handles - makes lifting easy Lifetime Guarantee of Excellence Stainless steel hardware and padlock protectors Lid is completely removable Store documents outside the case with our Document Container WATERTIGHT, CRUSHPROOF, AND DUST PROOF

CAUTION: Be very wary about buying any PELICAN? product over the internet through unauthorised sites, such as eBay and similar sites, as the product may be defective or non-genuine.

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